There were a couple of questions that were left unanswered questions in the post and I have been asked a few times what the answer is to them so I thought I would write up my findings.
Now if you are not intending of deploying in compact mode or have not read my previous post on the steps then this will probably be of no interest to you so you can go and do something far more interesting instead.
On to the first question, when deploying in compact mode there are a number of dependent products that need to be installed before running the deployment, in my case the deployment failed the first time due to not having HPS (Hyperion Performance Scorecard) installed and I didn’t really have any intention on using the product but at the time I just installed it to be able to proceed with the deployment.
I said that it may be possible to edit a few XML files to get around the need to have the dependent products installed, as it was niggling at me whether it could be done I went back and had a look.
The intention was to be able to deploy without having to install HPS and here are the steps that I carried out before running the compact deployment.

Details of the required librarie, dependent products and deployment details are stored within the following file

The file can be opened with a compression utility like 7zip so that all the XML files within the jar can be accessed and then edited, if you are planning on following these steps I would recommend taking a backup of epm_system_11.1.2.1.jar first.

The first file that was edited was template-info.xml, this file contains all the dependent libraries and deployment information the line containing “Oracle EPM HPS libraries” was deleted and then the file was saved.

The next file config-groups.xml contains all the products that will be deployed if they are already installed, two lines relating to HPS were removed.

Another line containing “hps_datasource” was removed from the same file.

The section highlighted above was also removed from the file and then the file was saved.

Within the config directory the file config.xml was edited and the above section relating to HPS was removed.

The datasource section relating to HPS shown above was also removed and the file was saved.

Finally the file hps_datasource-jdbc.xml was deleted from the jdbc directory within the jar file.
Now the compact deployment can be executed and it should not fail if HPS has not been installed, for full details on how to deploy in compact mode go back to my previous blog.
It is possible to remove other dependent products from the deployment by using this method to try and save some extra memory.
If you have products installed that are not on the dependent product list but are in the deployment list e.g. ERPi, Disclosure Management and you don’t want them deploying using the compact method then you will either to need to uninstall them and then install them after deploying in compact mode or use the method of editing the XML files as explained in this post.
I was going to go through my second question next but unfortunately I have not got any spare time left today so I will write it up in the next couple of days and then post it.